Charlotte Latin School: Headmaster Above All
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Political Statements

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of abortion, there are proper and improper ways of expressing controversial artwork in a K-12 school setting. Many parents expressed concerns that this was displayed where elementary school students could see it. When pictures began to be sent around about this, the Administration sent out this note about a “sensitive” and “mature” subject - only to the upper school parents. However, the administration did not also inform the middle and lower school parents that their children were also exposed to the art display. Charlotte Latin needs new leadership with better judgment that returns the focus to education and away from injecting politics into all facets of the school. Click on the images to see the full picture.

Religious Statements

Charlotte Latin has gone from being welcoming to people of all religious faiths to allowing public displays of religious hostility. While the Administration has removed the pregame invocation and Christmas decorations, at the same time they are willing to publicly display student artwork with messages of religious intolerance. The fact that they have displayed this in a hallway clearly indicates to students they are supportive and approving of it.


Sexual Content

Many parents have objected to this book being in the library. They believe it would be just as inappropriate to have a book like the Kama Sutra available in the library as it is for this “how to” book for gay students.

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